Binkley For Governor Press Release on Education

The following Press Release was recently sent to media outlets across the State of Tennessee...both printed and Broadcast during the week of June 17th, 2010. As an Independent Candidate of Governor, these media outlets have shown little interest in publishing any release from our Campaign prior to the Results of the Republican Primary on August 5th, 2010. In order to help provide this information to the general public via the internet, we are including it here for world wide distribution on the internet.
Binkley For Governor Press Release
For Immediate Release
Date: June 17th, 2010
Independent Candidate for Governor, Bayron Binkley, spoke recently at an annual education forum in Brentwood hosted by the Professional Educators of Tennessee. Binkley, who is an avid supporter of Schools of Choice (the voucher system), addressed several education issues including Tennessee’s newly adopted Race to the Top program. “Our teachers can teach until their gums bleed, but unless we get a full measure of support from parents, we may not see the results we strive for . . . Parents need to step up with support, encouragement, and guidance [to help] their kids prepare for class.”
To address the issue, Binkley is proposing an education contract as a prerequisite for student enrollment. Before a student can enroll in school, parents would have to sign a contract outlining the requirements and expectations for both parents and students. Specifically, the contract would outline the responsibility of parents to help their child with homework, attendance, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and adhering to school rules and policies. The contract would also specify the disciplinary measures for non compliance. Further, by not signing the contract, parents would effectively waive their right of free public education or, in today’s manner of thought; they will have “opted out.” Binkley adds that, “The state is bound by our constitution to provide for a free public school education, but the wording [is such] that the General Assembly can set the eligibility standards for this education. If parents do not recognize the value of free education and take ownership and responsibility in that education . . . then basically they are waiving their right [to that] opportunity. Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures.”
Other Gubernatorial Candidates who participated in the forum included Republicans, Zach Wamp and Ron Ramsey, Democrat Mike McWherter, and Independents Brandon Dodds and Samuel Duck.
Labels: Bayron Binkley, Bayron Binkley for Governor, Bill Haslam, Education, Independent Candidate, Mike McWherter, Ron Ramsey, Tennessee, Tennessee Race to the Top, Zach Wamp