Bayron Binkley for Governor of Tennessee-Thoughts on National Health Care

President Obama and the Democratic controlled Congress is trying to pass a National Health Care Bill perhaps this weekend. A number of folks have asked me my thoughts on this topic. First let me say that I do not know what is in the bill. But I will say that if it impacts our State, our citizens in a way that it puts an additional financial burden on us as individuals or will pull dollars from our State budget..then I am against it...We already have too many financial issues to deal with both on the State level and the National level. We do not need another financial matter to deal with....folks our plate is already full. Enough is enough!
You know we have a Great Country! We pulled the resources together and we built an atomic bomb. We have found the use of nuclear power for both medical and our energy needs. We sent man to the moon and got him home. Why can't we devote those same type of resources-using our existing financial resources or the dollars we plan to spend in the hundreds of billions of dollars, our technology, intellect and find cures instead of finding treatments. That may sound too simplistic to me it makes common sense. Don't know what the insurance industry would say...finding cures might break into their profits...and we don't want to do that.
I think there are better options we should pursue. We might even find a new renewable energy source along the way...The oil companies would love that along with those Arabic Countries and Venezuela who have those crude oil resources. Folks...there are options out there. If we put our mind and resources together we can tackle those problems and spite of the special interest Groups.
Spread the word!!!! Bayron Binkley for Governor of the State of Tennessee. Visit our campaign website at and join our Group on Facebook.
The fact is the USA spends far more on medical research than any other nation...not surprising given the relative scale of our economy, the number of research-oriented academic institutions and the quality of healthcare infrastructure generally. I don't think the issue is spending more on research, I think the issue is spending the resources we have (which are huge, but finite) more effectively and efficiently. The one area where the USA truely outpaces the rest of the world by a wide margin is the percentage of healthcare spending that results from litigation and the resulant practice of defensive medicine. Tort reform would alter the economics of healthcare in the USA such that universal coverage, which we must have, would be achieveable. Start with Tort reform.
Barry Stowe, At
March 19, 2010 at 3:46 PM
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