Commercials...New Meanings?

These two spots have had the reverse effect most notably on me..not that I am going to go out and buy a lottery ticket anyway. It probably keeps me from buying a ticket for sure.
I would really like to slap all parties who participate in these spots...especially knowing that they are getting paid for doing that. Some people have no shame. Hey did you know the Lottery director makes nearly $900,000 a year? Also, did you know that Governor Bredesen took around $90 Million dollars out of the lottery fund to pay for his Pre-K program? One of my campaign points...was to quit funding this Pre-K program and put the money back into College Education where it belongs. Guess how many HS graduates we could help send to College with $90 Million Dollars. Our quickest and best return on our Education dollars would be on the College Students and not those Pre-kindergartners. The State's own reports indicate that it is a program that does not get the results that it hoped to have. Hope newly elected Governor Haslam will truely become a good steward of the Tennessee Dollar and see the error.
And then there was Carnival Kia's New Spot
I know most of you folks who live in the Middle Tennessee area have seen the Carnival Kia commercials. Many of the spots have included owner/operator Chris Bostick and his wife Dessie and their kids. Their two sons have appeared in many of these promotions. Some of which would consider hokey but yet entertaining. It gets you to remember the name of the dealership.

With the economy the way it is...I'm wondering how all the dealerships are doing? Out my way, I don't know anyone who has recently bought a new vehicle. My family is driving vehicles that were purchased in 2004-2005 and we hope they are going to last a bit longer.
Bucket List Update
I am working on the next item on my Bucket List. I am preparing the way. Letter has been written and currently waiting on a response and hopeful meeting. Having to take a bold and proactive approach to this one. Will let you know if that opportunity comes around. You never know until you try.
Campaign Memory and Fopahs
I am hoping thru the Dedeacon's Tale

Sharing Campaign Thoughts and Lessons Learned
I have developed a little talk on my experiences while on the campaign trail and have incorporated them into a presentation or speech per se. If you know of a school group (class), church group or a civic group that might be interested in me speaking to them please contact me. You can reach me initially thru my email at I spoke to 5 different high school classes while on the campaign trail. I come cheap.
I welcome your thoughts and comments to this blog. Until next time...I am The Dedeacon.
Labels: Bill Haslam, Carnival Kia, Commercials, John Hester, KWAM Radio, Phil Bredesen, Tennessee Education Reform, Tennessee Lottery, The Average American
Good post.
The lottery is really a tax on the poor, or anyone that cannot understand statistics.
Understanding that the lottery director is making $900,000 a year, plus they are funding large government expenditures from the proceeds, makes the lottery the ultimate "bad bet." I am sorry to see so many people ruined by gambling.
I am glad you had your "other half" there at your side during your radio interview. It really takes a lot of courage to run for public office, and I think you did very well.
But... your secret weapon is now known, for it has always been Patricia. I think she had done very well in supporting you.
My wife has a full time job just with keeping me in line, not to mention our 6 boys, ages 21 down to 4 years old, which she home schools. I am so thankful for my wife, she is the best thing that ever happened to me.
I think being elected to the office of "best husband" and "best father" is the highest and greatest thing a man can achieve. I think you and I are blessed in this area with having a good family.
Blessings to you and those that love you.
John Hurt
John Hurt, At
December 3, 2010 at 10:43 AM
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