Numbing of America
Early in the campaign for Governor, I made a list of stances based on my beliefs and my view of what Government should be. One of those points came early in a debate in East TN. (Sorry only TV coverage was provided by the Knoxville Stations) The question came up, "What is your take on Gay Marriage". Most of you can guess what my take was. The question came up again in an Adult Education Forum in Brentwood when a young woman came up to me and asked about Gay Marriage and Adoption. This time I hesitated as I found myself looking at her and trying to determine if she was gay or not. I answered the question on gay marriage and gave a answer to the Adoption point as well. (My adoption answer surprised many folks)

(Side Bar)
In January, The Battle of the Boulevard will take place on the Lipscomb campus as Belmont

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I think that I have a large range of a sense of humor. I can find humor in lots of things. I enjoy watching funny movies and TV shows of all types and really not thinking about what I am laughing about..until recently.

Not to sound like a prude...I don't know see what good comes out of shows like these and others on the other networks especially in Prime Time. Hope parents of young kids have taken notes of these shows. Is this another sign of lowering our Standards and a continuation of the Numbing of America? Where are our core values?
This reminds me of how things have changed over the years. I dated a girl back in the mid-70's who would blush and roll her eyes when certain Feminine Product commercials would come on TV. She would say, why in the world do they have to show those commercials on this show? I wonder if she still blushes today? I wouldn't think so. I wonder why the Networks and programmers feel that they have to have a gay couple or fill the script up with sexual it just a case of Shock and Awe or is it something else..or is it the old advertising saying...Sex Sells?

Wikipedia founder and Webmaster Julian Assange is in jail for Sexual Assault Charges in Sweden. He is best known for his website which makes public many sensitive and secret documents. He is being hailed as an Advocate of Free Speech by many people across the world. His publishing of these documents on the internet have put many people's lives across the world in jeopardy. Many celebrities have stepped up and offered to pay his bail. What if this Australian Journalist was in a Muslim Country and released sensitive documents or made comments disrespectful to the Islam Faith? Do you think they would hold this man in high esteem? Don't think so? He would be lucky to see the next light of day or would be wearing a bandage where his right hand used to be. I have so many questions to this man and to the people who support his efforts. Why? What good does this do? What if someone loses their life over your leak? The world is at a cross roads in certain areas. There are sensitive situations that are out there..some negative impacts could lead to a major blow up between Countries. Our actions good and bad have consequences. He needs to realize his actions need to be dealt with...yet there are those who hail his efforts.
The Numbing Continues
I recently heard a preacher state..some years back he got together with some other men and read the Bible to see what the Bible actually had to say. At first, I thought that might be a good thing. Like attending Sunday School, Going to Bible Classes, Attending lectures to hear different thoughts on certain topics or reading Bible Commentaries...maybe like a new day Restoration Movement. Personally, I think the Bible has a lot to say. "Where the scriptures speak, we speak, where the scriptures are silent, we're silent" --a motto of the Restoration Movement. I would be very interested in knowing what these men think the Bible is saying when the scriptures are silent. We can see how recent interpretations of our Constitution have led us into unchartered waters where like the Bible, it is silent. Men and Women of the Supreme Court have given their opinion and have allowed our way of life to evolve in a certain way. Example: There is no where in the Constitution that separates Church and State. This topic has evolved based on one man's opinion. Public school athletic teams cannot have a pre-game or post game prayer legally. Can't have the 10 commandments in public places...and certain groups want to remove One Nation under God or In God We Trust. We have organizations that their mission is to promote the removal of Religion in our Country and believe that it is the right thing to do...regardless of the consequences.
We have people in Congress who were recently re-elected by the so-call will of the People. These Congressmen and Women have led our Country down the wrong path. We have seen corruption, greed, mis-management, and mis-appropriation ...all which has help cause the economic mess that we are in. Yet, a number of these people are still in leadership positions. Many of these do not share our core values...but yet they are sill re-elected. Its my take that they are re-elected by The Numb!
Some Random and Mindless Thoughts
The Titans recently asked me to send them $473.00 for playoff tickets. I'm assuming that they sent these notices to all of their PSL holders. Wonder if anyone actually sent them any money?
I have been playing phone tag with Governor Elect Haslam. The ball is now in his court.
Guess Who's Coming to Family Christmas this year? This year we have a whole slew of Fiances, boyfriends and girlfriends, and a few dogs (Putter..the Shih Ztu, Cody...the Newfoundland, and Doc..the Golden Doodle) and a couple of babies.
I update the Dedeacon's blog as I have something to share or something that is on my mind. A number of you want me to be more consistent with weekly updates. I'll try but I can't promise. But until next time...I still remain The Dedeacon!
Have a great Holiday Season!! and a Safe one.
Labels: Battle of the Boulevard, Belmont University, Bill Haslam, CBS TV Network, Julian Assange, Mike Curb